Saturday, August 11, 2007

Big News at the Churchwide Assembly

For the first time, clergy in same-sex committed relationships can serve the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America without threat of discipline to them, their congregations or their bishops.
The historic decision, made today at a national assembly at Navy Pier, was spearheaded by Bishop Paul Landahl of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod. Full Story

More stories at Google News if you'd like to read more!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Men's Breakfast on Saturday

Men's Breakfast Saturday, August 11

Invite your friends and neighbors for a men's breakfast on Saturday, August 11 at 8:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Speaker: Jim Crowley, Founder of Cops for Christ. Cost: $6.00. Sign up at the Welcome Center.

What is Podcasting?

For some time now we've offered a weekly podcast of Sunday sermons from Saint Matthew. Still, some people are not quite up-to-speed on what Podcasts actually are. Here's a helpful video to shed some light on the situation.

If you have iTunes, you can subscribe to the Saint Matthew sermon podcast here

You can also find the Saint Matthew podcast on if you don't use iTunes.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Valerie & Ryan's Song

On July 29th, Valerie and Ryan sang a beautiful duet during the morning worship services AND at Pastor Sara's installation service. "My Prayer" was recorded - take a listen.

Video of their performance on YouTube!

Music Updated

Music is updated for Sunday!
Rehearsal at 7:30pm!