Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hume Lake High & Middle Schoolers

Two weeks ago, the Saint Matthew high school teens were at Hume Lake enjoying sunshine, fellowship, and worship. Many kids had amazing experiences in learning who Jesus is and learning to trust in Him. A truly amazing week! This week, Saint Matthew middle schoolers are at Hume and will return on Saturday. Keep praying for them as the week draws to a close!

You can check out Pastor Dave's Blog here.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sign Up for Men's & Women's Retreats

The fall retreats of Saint Matthew are coming! Get signed up to spend a weekend away at Redwood Christian Camp with

The Men's Retreat theme is "Miracles Among Us" and is September 28-30. The retreat speaker is Roger Dill. Cost $150.

The Women's Retreat theme is "Google Heaven." The retreat is October 12-14, the and the speaker is Mary Naegli. Cost is $150.

Both retreats are taking sign ups at the Welcome Center or e-mail Nancy Pierce at Saint Matthew.

Literate Lutherans?

(from the
On Tuesday (last week), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America waged a war on illiteracy. But it didn't tackle the challenge of how to read words. The group addressed the challenge of how to understand and interpret The Word, otherwise known as the Bible.

The five-year Book of Faith initiative is intended to boost study of the Bible throughout the 4.8 million-member church. It is also a response to church research that shows 32 percent of Evangelical Lutherans believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, which is not the position of the Evangelical Lutheran church.

"In our culture, particularly around issues of immorality, the prevailing understanding tends to be a literal understanding of Scripture, which is not a Lutheran understanding," said Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson. Full Story

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I must share this

Many people know that there is a new member of the Bendickson family (in Washington). His name is Joel and he's about 10 1/2 months old right now. My brother Aaron has been keeping a "Joel Blog" and has shared all sorts of little Joel moments with us, the family that doesn't live in Washington. It's a daily excursion for me to enjoy some pictures of Joel. What a cute kid.

Music Website Updated

I've updated the music website for this coming Sunday.
Here's a link:

E-mail me if you need the username & password.

Monday, August 13, 2007

A Song from Sunday

Thanks to everyone who participated in leading worship this last Sunday. Tom (our ever-present sound guy) recorded a bit of the music from our 10:30am service. I uploaded the recording of "In The Secret" for y'all to enjoy. I give thanks to God for all of you and appreciate your willingness to get up early on Sunday mornings and share your talents with the people of Saint Matthew.