#5 A Charlie Brown Christmas

Now I'm certain that for many people this would be tops on their list of Christmas albums. I'm not knockin' it, but I'm also not raking my albums in any particular order (sorry for those of you who like to watch those VH1 "most _fill in the blank_ celebrity" countdown shows). Regardless, this one is a classic. : )
#6 Christmas with the Chipmunks

I want to see the new Chipmunks movie. It looks like a lot of fun in that pop-culture glossy-eyed kind of way. I don't really recall watching much of the chipmunks, but I do remember hanging out in the basement in Montana as a kid listening to the record player blast out those shrill chipmunk harmonies. Who knew something so annoying would be so AWESOME!
#7 Mannheim Steamroller: Fresh Aire Christmas

And, to finish up this trio of market savvy Christmas faves, I'd like to say that this is one of those childhood albums that that just transports me back in time. In particular, in 1991 when my oldest brother was performing with the local high school band for the annual Christmas concert, he played the "Cantique De Noel (O Holy Night)" arrangement from Mr. Chip Davis on piano with a flute soloist and left the auditorium absolutely stunned. It truly was beautiful. And I was very proud of my brother. I still am.