Reaching out with compassion to our community.
Dear Pastors and friends of “Beautiful Day”,
Thank you to all who have given us names of volunteers from your churches. If you haven’t done this yet, please send us the names of those who could be church liaisons and prayer leaders ASAP.
What we need now is to identify project leaders for each of the following projects:
(Cambridge Elementary)
1. Blacktop for basketball courts 2. Inventory and collect items for up to 40 “safety” backpacks.
(Oak Grove Middle)
3. Landscaping & irrigation 4. Collect items for kids to buy at school store.
(Ygnacio Valley Elementary)
5. Landscaping 6. Provide sturdy no-fabric chairs for office waiting area.
(Meadow Homes Elementary)
7. Electrical work 8. Replace carpet in faculty lounge with tiles. 9. Landscaping.
Please announce these needs to your congregation this Sunday, Feb.24, if possible, and on Sunday March 2. Ask that people who have skills appropriate to these tasks commit to being project leaders and send their names and contact information to Tom Patitucci by March 3. If you have other means of communicating these needs to your people (email, through small groups etc.) please use those as well.
Thank you for your participation in what we pray will be a “Beautiful Day” of service to our community in the Name and Power of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The Compassion Task Force
Kurt Holm kurt@creeklife.org
Layne Kilbreath layne@faithfellowship.com
Ron Musch lighthouse2you@aol.com
Tom Patitucci tpatitucci@hopecenter.cc
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